Single Vision Lenses

Clear and precise focus for either nearsightedness or farsightedness
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Single Vision Lenses

Single Vision Lenses are designed to address a specific vision correction need, providing clear and precise focus for either nearsightedness or farsightedness. These lenses have a uniform prescription power across the entire lens surface, making them ideal for individuals who primarily require assistance with either close-up tasks or distance vision. Whether for reading, computer work, or everyday activities, Single Vision Lenses offer a simple and effective solution to ensure optimal visual clarity for a single focal point.

Customized Single Vision

• Oblique power and astigmatism compensation
• More than 10,000 control points on the back surface
• Individual surface calculation depending on the main viewing distance (far or near distance)
• Individual lens surface calculation depending on the main viewing distance(optional)
• Center thickness optimization

Sport Single Vision

• Freeform lens design especially for strongly curved frames
• Oblique astigmatism clearly reduced
• High visual quality in all gaze directions
• Variability in the choice of base curve and material

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Double-sided Freeform Single Vision

• Using freeform technology on both sides
• More than 5,000 control points on,the surface
• High visual quality in all gaze directions
• Around 8% thinner and 32% flatter than standard single vision lense

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