Occupational Office Lenses

Designed and crafted to address the visual demands of office work
HOME Product CV RX RX Lens Design Occupational Office Lenses

Occupational Office Lenses

Occupational Office Lenses are specially designed eyewear solutions crafted to address the visual demands of office work. These lenses are equipped with features such as blue light filtration to reduce digital eye strain, as well as anti-glare coatings to enhance contrast and minimize reflections from screens and ambient lighting. Tailored for prolonged computer use, Occupational Office Lenses aim to provide comfortable and clear vision, optimizing visual performance during office tasks.
CV Rx lab provides different kinds of office lenses to meet different distance.


Computer Design (0.4m~1m)

Clear vision from 40 cm to 1.0 m
Idea wearers: Designed especially for office workers who spend most of their time viewing monitors on a desk or very near distance.

Desk Design (0.4m~2m)

Clear vision from 40 cm to 2.0 m
Idea wearers: Designed especially for office workers who spend a significant amount of time focusing at intermediate and near distances. For example, utilize monitors but have a need to view another-person at a conversational distance.

Room Design (0.4m~4m)

Clear vision from 40 cm to 4.0 m
Idea wearers: Designed especially for office workers who work in a larger space and spend time focusing on intermediate and near distances. For example, utilize monitors and have a need to view another person at a conversational distance and move about their workspaces.